Gogo Nkala
Ngiyabingelela Mthwakaz’ omuhle!
Kuleli iviki elidlulileyo ngibukele
usapho lukaMthwakazi lutshikatshika sengathi lusemgidweni wesizingelezi. Ibe
ikade ihlakalezekile imibiko emnandi eminengi ebika imisebenzi, kuthiwa uzulu
kafike endaweni thile azozama laye ukuthola umsebenzi. Bekumenywa abatsha
abafuna ukungena kubongikazi kunye lekufundeleni ububalisi. Sibukele lathi
silethemba begijima abantwana beNkosi, behamba ngethemba elikhulu elithi lamhla
lami ngizathola okungcono okuzangisiza empilweni. Nkwe! Ithutshe buthumuthumu
imibiko njalo isithi obe kubikiwe kungamanga. Bahambele idonki ebolileyo
Kungani? Kungani othile loba abathile
bebona kungumdlalo obakitazayo ukubona abanye abantu behawula? Ngubani odlala
ngabantwana beNkosi bona bevele bezihluphekela? Abanengi basuka bebolekile
izimali zokuyafika lapho okumenywa khona, ngoba besithi akwaziwa okwanonisa
ingulube. Yizimali abangalazo, okunzima lokuthi bazibuyisele. Bathwele luklubhu,
babuye badliswe imbuya ngoluthi. Bafundile labo. Bapasa kuhle kakhulu. Kodwa
sebegijime lapha lalaphaya inyawo sezize zingena eziswini. Bakhuluma usizi
lodwa. Bathi koze kube nini?
Lami uGogo wabo umoya wami uthukuthele
lamhla. Ngubani lo obika imibiko engamanga ehlukuluza usapho lukaMthwakazi?
Omunye umhlabeleli uthi, “Abanye bathemba izinqola zempi, abanye bathemba
amabhiza, kodwa thina sithemba ibizo likaJehova uNkulunkulu wethu” iHubo
Luthini usapho lukaMthwakazi ngalokhu
kuhlukuluzeka? Zithini imbongi ngalo umumo? Giya ngeyakho imibono lemizwa
asizakale uMthwakazi.
Sesike sahlangana loSithembile Siqhoza. OkaSiqhoza
yimbongo eyaziwayo kakhulu. Uleqoqo lezinkondlo elakhutshwa ngo 2017 elithi, IBHODO
LEZINKONDLO. Ludinge kuye lolugwalo ukholise ugiye laye ngokwehlukeneyo
empilweni. Uvamile ukukhuza esithi, ‘Zingizwan’ izinja’. Sibelaye ekuqaliseni
ngqo esithi, ‘Duba Langithola Sengaguga’.
Ake sizwe ukuthi ugiya esithini
lamhla nxa ethi, ‘Le Ndlela’.
Sithembile Siqhoza
izithukuthuku zijuluka
lendlel’ esihamba ngayo
yiy’ ayikhw’ enye!
nginyathela kancane
ngoba ngisendleleni.
iya kwelingabuywayo
le indlela
ngindiz’ emoyeni
ngiyingene lindlela.
‘Ng’melela ngisagqoka!’
‘Sihambisane mntanami’
ngiyiwela ngingelamphelekezeli
baphelelwa ngamandla.
losan’ olulenkaba
ulayezele kwabaseleyo
othatha lendlela kavalelisi.
bath’ imbaxa mbili
ihlekana labantu
bathi lugubhule
ngizokhetha yiphi?
encinyan’ indlela
iyekhay’ elihle
ikufikisa laph’okulokukhala
induna yakhona
angazi lutho
ngizahamba ngayo
ngitshiya l’ umhlaba
lendlel’ engingayaziyo
ehanjwa ngabathuleyo.
Sithembile Siqhoza
(Mobile 0714159098)
Indlela Yokusebenzisa Ulimi Ekulobeni
Sesihlangane kuliviki
lapho esikhukhuza khona udaba lolimi okumele ulusebenzise ekulobeni kwakho inkondlo.
Kuqakathekile ukuthi njengembongi ube lekhono, ubungcitshi lobugabazi
ekusebenziseni ulimi. Indaba yokusetshenziswa kolimi imqoka nxa sikhangelane
lokulotshwa kwenkondlo ngoba indlela ulimi olusetshenziswa ngayo yiyo eyenza
inkondlo iphawuleke kweminye imibhalo yokuzibumbela. Ulimi ngolunye uphawu
olumqoka oluveza ukwenelisa lokuphumelela kwembongi ekulobeni. Ekuhlaziyeni
lekucubunguleni inkondlo kukhangelwa indlela imbongi ephumelele ngayo
ukusebenzisa ulimi ukwethula indikimba, inhloso lokuveza imizwa yayo.
Njengalokhu ngaveza
kuhlandla lakuqala, imbongi ilomlandu wokufundisa ulimi oluyilo. Iyisiphala
lomthombo wolwazi ngolimi oluqondileyo. Kumele inkondlo ilotshwe ngesiNdebele
esiqondileyo. Kumele imbongi ilandele indlela yokubhalwa kwesiNdebele
emisiweyo. Kumele yehlukanise kuhle amabala, yeqe loba ilumbanise onkamisa
ngendlela lapho okumele kwenziwe lokhu khona, njalo ibambanise kuhle amabala.
Kumele ilimuke ukuthi olimini lwesiNdebele, onkamisa abalandelani. Kuyazila
lokhu. Bangalandelana, bangalumbana, kweqiwe omunye, kudaleke unsingankamisa
ofaneleyo loba sibehlukanise ngehayifeni. Indaba yokweqiwa lokulumbana
kwabonkamisa imqoka ekulobeni inkondlo ukuze inkondlo ibaleke kuhle. Kumele
imbongi isebenzise kuhle impawu zokuloba zonke. Njengomzekeliso kulo umzila, Bhid’
elimnyama; Nkunz’ emanxebanxeba. (Bala ugwalo Ukuhlaziya lokucubungula Izinkondlo)
Kufanele imbongi
ixwaye ukukiliza ulimi ekulobeni kwayo, ngaphandle kwanxa lokhu kusenziwa
ngabomo ngenjongo yokuveza ukwehluleka ukukhuluma isiNdebele esiqondileyo.
Imbongi ikhangelelwe ukuthi itshengise ubugabazi lobungcitshi bayo ngolimi.
Lokhu ingakwenza ngokunonisa, lokuhlobisa, lokubukeza umsebenzi wayo ngencezu
zenkulumo ezimiselwe lokhu, ezifana lezifenqo zenkulumo ezibalisela ihaba, inhlonipho,
isingathekiso, ukwenzasamuntu, isiqathaniso lokubhuqa. (Ziphe isikhathi ubale
ngalezi izifenqo zenkulumo, ikakhulu kugwalo
Ukuhlaziya lokucubungula Izinkondlo le-Ihawu
labafundu 3 lo4 logwalo, Sithini
IsiNdebele). Imizekeliso yalezi izifenqo zenkulumo ibalisela elandelayo:
Umkakhe mude uthinta emayezeni. Ububi bakhe buhlekisa isela
licatshile. Usenga lezimithiyo. Ulambe
Yinyoka, emsebenzini lo.
Udlela egilweni okwenyoni/sanyoni/njengenyoni.
Kamuhle nje yimpisi.
5. Ukwenzasamuntu:
Ngiyakwesaba mankunzane ndoda egwaza
Akagijimi uyaphapha, Kabunathi-nje uKhumalo
Izulu liyakhwaza. Amaqhaw’ alel’ emaguswini.
Imbongi ilakho njalo
ukulujiyisa iluhlobise ulimi ngezaga lezitsho kanye lamazwi ahlakaniphileyo.
Incezu zenkulumo ezifana lemifanekiso, lezenzukuthi zidlala ingxenye enkulu ekwakheni
umfanekiso wengqondo lokuqubula imizwa eyiyonayona kulo obalayo, akubone
ngawakhe, kuphile kuye lokho okwethulwa yimbongi. Kuqakathekile ukuthi imbongi
isebenzise ulimi oluzakwenza udaba lenhloso yayo iphume sobala njalo luqubule
imizwa okujongwe ukuthi igabhele obalayo.
Inhliziyo yami igaya izibozi. Inhliziyo yami igobhoza uthando.
zezenzukuthi: Usuthi
nti okwesihlobo somfazi,
Kumnyama tshu phandle.
Ukuziphindaphinda emutshweni, kuyayinonisa indaba
kuwakhe lomfanekiso wengqondo walokho okwenzakalayo, njengokuthi, Waphonguthi qhwaya qhwayi watshiya
engacentanga okuzwayo. Kasigcwalisanga isiganu uFanyana, umane wathi sengi
sengi wakhawula.
Kumele ulimi lwenze
indikimba yenkondlo yehle ngomgogohla kuthi obalayo akhangeke, adlele,
athatheke ngolimi lwayo kumalele ukuthi abeke iphika phansi engakayithutshi
inkondlo. Limuka ukuthi indlela osebenzisa ngayo ulimi kumele ifundise
abazafunda inkondlo yakho. Kumele ibe yindlela yokugabaza ngolimi. Bona ukuthi
ulimi olusebenzisayo luhlaba lo obalayo umxhwele, lumqumbaqumbe lapho
okudingeka khona, njalo lumdangalise, agcwale usizi lesithuli, zeqe umbombo
lapho okudingeka khona. Konke lokhu, ukwenza nje ngobugabazi ngolimi
langendlela osebenzisa ngayo ulimi.
Kulusizi ukuthi
inengi lembongi zalamuhla azisalwazi ulimi. Inengi lembongi zalamuhla
sezilukiliza njalo kazikwazi ukugabaza ngalo.
Sekukhona futhi
lomkhuba wokusebenzisa inhlamba lamagama angahloniphisiyo, athi bhadla, azilayo
ukuwatsho emphakathini. Akuqondanga lokhu ngoba ulimi olunjalo luzasixhwalisela
inzalo kaMatshobane, lusonele yona. Nxa ungafunda inkondlo zembongi zezolo uzananzelela
ukuthi beziphatha indaba ezibucayi, kodwa bezisebenzisa ubungcitshi lobugabazi
bazo ngolimi zigcwigcwize, kodwa zigeqa amagula, zihlube indlubu ekhasini,
zimkhuze lo osetshaya amabatha athinteke, angene athophela kuye amazwi embongi,
kuthi lo osehamba ngonyawo olungayisilo athathe unyawo olutsha, angene
emfolweni okwenkabi ethelwe olesawudo. Thina njengamaNdebele siyakhetha
amabala. Asiphongukhihliza nje ingqe yiliphi elifike emkhumbulweni wethu.
Siyagcwigcwiza, sigudle iguma, sizekelise, kodwa siqeda ngawe. Sisebenzisa
amabala ahloniphayo, kodwa udaba lombiko kuzwakala, singatshayi inja sifihla
umphini. Njengesibonelo, nxa sikhuza umuntu osexhwale wedlulisa ebantwaneni
bakhe esesembatha labo sithi ngaye, Uthango ludla amakhomane, loba Inkukhu
inatha amaqanda ayo.
Asehlukane udobha
amaqoqo aqukethe izibongo zamakhosi uzibalele ufunde kumbongi zezolo ngendlela
yokusebenzisa ulimi. Asihlangane kuviki ezayo lapho esizaphatha khona ngezinto
ezimqoka ezikhangelwayo lapho kucutshungulwa lokuhlaziya inkondlo. Lezi yizinto
okumele ubone ukuthi ekulobeni kwakho uyazikhangelisisa ubone ukuthi uziphatha
ngendlela esuthisayo eveza ukwenelisa lobungcwethi bakho njengembongi.
nguDr Eventhough Ndlovu ongumbalisi lomkhulu weDepartment of African Languages
and Literature e-University yeZimbabwe.
Ezinhle Empilweni
Emuzini wami
kulezihlahla ezinengi zamagwaba. Kudala ezinye zazo zazithela izithelo ezibolayo, kodwa ezimbili
zazithela izithelo ezinhle. Sasiwakha amagwaba siwadle sikholise, loba
siwaphale izikhumba zaphandle siwawolele embizeni, sithi chatha itshukela loba
inyosi, siwapheke. Besesiwadla sincinde iminwe.
Kwasekufika isikhathi
lapho izihlahla ezahlaselwa ngumkhuhlane. Sazama ukufafaza umuthi wokwelapha,
kodwa akusizanga. Lalezizihlahla ezazilezithelo ezidlekayo ezazingaboli, lazo
zaqala ukuba lezibozi. Wawuthola-ke ezikhithikela wodwa phansi amagwaba ngoba
esehlaselwe yizibungu eziwadlayo acine ebola ephihlika. Ayabuthwa izinsuku
zonke agcwale ibhara ayelahlelwa egodini. Awalungelanga ukudliwa. Awu,
yikumotshakala okunganani lokhu!
esiyiphilayo zikhona izithelo esizithelayo ngezenzo zethu ezinhle loba ezimbi.
Kukhona ukulwa emoyeni. UMphostoli uPhawuli uyasixwayisa ngezenzo ezimbi ezivela
ekuthokoziseni izinkanuko zethu zemvelo elesono. Uyabalisa eNcwadini
yabaseGalathiya 5:19-21 ngezenzo ezidala ubufebe,
lokungesabi ukujeziswa, lokuxhwala, ukukhonza izithombe lobuthakathi; inzondo,
lokuxabana, lomona, lentukuthelo, lobuhwaba, lokungezwani, lokungavumelani
Kanye lomhawu; ukudakwa, lokuzitika ngamanyala kanye lokunye okunjalo. Uthi
lezi izenzo zibangelwa yizinkanuko zemvelo elesono. Kusuka nje umuntu abe
lezenzo ezibolileyo, eziphihlika njengezibozi zamagwaba. Usuka abe yisinengiso
kuNkulunkulu onjalo.
Kodwa, nxa
singasebenzisi okwethu ukuqedisisa lokuhlakanipha, silawulwa njalo sikhokhelwa
nguMoya ONgcwele, Yena uyasipha amandla okunqoba izinkanuko zemvelo. Izithelo
ezinhle empilweni zivela ekuphileni ngokulalela uMoya ONgcwele ekhuluma kithi
esikhokhela, esiqondisa. Siyaluswela usizo luka Moya ONgcwele. Nxa silandela
ukuqondisa kwakhe sivela nje sithele izithelo zikaMoya, siphile impilo efuze
ekaJesu Khristu, esingabalandeli bakhe.
UMphostoli uPhawuli
uyazibalisa lezo zithelo zikaMoya. Uyasitshela kwabaseGalathiya 5:22-23 ukuthi
izithelo zikaMoya ONgcwele luthando,
lokuthokoza, lokuthula, lokubekezela, lomusa, lokulunga, lokuthembeka,
lobumnene kanye lokuzithiba. Lezi yizithelo ezibusisa labo esiphila labo. Sonke siyakuthanda ukuthandwa lokuhlala phakathi
kwabantu abathokozayo njalo abagcina ukuthula. Siyakufisa ukubekezelelwa.
Kumnandi ukuphila labantu abalomusa, abantu abalungileyo njalo ababekezelayo.
Siyabathanda abatshengisa umusa lokulunga kithi. Kuhle ukuba sebantwini
abathembekileyo, abazithibayo, abangaphongulahla imilomo nxa kuxoxwa.
Bayazinina izenzo ezidala ingxabangxoza.
Izenzo ezinhle
ziyathandeka, zifana nje lokumofuza izithelo ezinhle ezakha umzimba ziwuvikele
emikhuhlaneni. Kodwa izenzo eziqukethe isono ziyisinengiso, zimbi zifana
lezithelo ezibolileyo. Kambe ezakho izithelo empilweni ngezinjani? Zinhle
ziyabukeka kumbe hatshi? Bayakunina abanye kumbe uyathandeka? Bakukhangela
ngandlela bani ophila labo?
Cela kuMoya ONgcwele.
Ungumsizi wethu. Umcele akuhole, akulungisise. Cela ahlambulule inhliziyo yakho
ufanele ukuba ngoweNkosi.
Nkosi, nangu umntanakho. Uyafisa ukuthi aphile impilo yezithelo zezenzo ezinhle
eziqondiswa nguMoya ONgcwele. Umsize aphile ngendlela ekuthokozisayo Nkosi,
lamhla lanininini. Amen.
Barbara Nkala
Thembelihle Ncube
The ever-present help
will give thanks to you, Lord with all my heart
will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
will be glad and rejoice in you;
will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.”
The above words from Psalm 9:1, 2 (NIV) have become my daily
song. I sing it loudly and I sing it in my heart. I sing it when I am working
and when I am walking. I sing it as I go to sleep, and when I wake up. I sing
it everywhere. If the Lord God has been the ever-present help to you in times
of trouble (Psalm 46:1), then you will know what I am talking about.
My name is Thembelihle, uMaMoyo, married to Qhubekani
Ncube for more than 18 years now. God has blessed us with three beautiful girls
who are a joy to us. Bokani Lisa was born in 2001, Taboka in 2003, and Thandeka
Christine in 2012. When I kept having girl after girl, though I was not saved
then, I knew there was God in heaven, and I told myself that he knew best why
he was giving us only girls. Relatives were always subtly pushing for a boy
because a home without a boy seems to be almost cursed in some of our
communities. I was under pressure and even told my husband that I was willing
to try for another child, but he said, “No, no! We have enough. How are we
going to care for all those children? Life is hard enough as it is!” So, I
rested my case.
My husband and I came to Harare to look for work. He got a
job as a gardener with very nice people from Norway, Marten and Christine
Sodarberg. We have been in the premises of this family to date. They trust
Qhubekani with taking care of their home even while they are gone for many
months. For a long time, I was simply a house-wife with no job outside the
home. Sometimes I would go with other women to cut the tall elephant grass to
sell to those who needed thatch along Harare Drive. We did this to try and
augment our husbands’ meagre wages.
Our biggest challenge came when Lisa was going to turn five.
There was no way we would afford school fees in Harare, particularly in the
former A schools, that used to be a reserve for Whites. We knew that education
was very important. We did not wish for our child to end up being a domestic
worker. Education opens doors in life. So, we decided that I would go to the
countryside where Lisa would start school. Even then, we were faced with many
problems. Where would we get the money to support family in Harare and also in
Schools were far apart, and our little girl would have to
walk ten kms to and from school each day, unless we sought help from villagers
near the school where she could stay during the week. The area in Dete was also
known for roaming wild animals like elephants and even lions. These were a big
menace to people. Children did not go to school when these animals were in the
area. All these things, as well as thinking of the separation from my husband
gave me sleepless nights.
Just as we were pondering these sour thoughts, the Sodarberg
family had elderly visitors from Norway. The visiting wife said to me, “I hear
you have a child by the name of Lisa. I’d love to meet her. I am also Lisa.”
The visitors took pictures with Lisa and with all of us in the family. They
also asked for Lisa’s birth certificate and got a photocopy of it. Just before
they left for Norway, they said, “Do you mind if we educate your child? We are
prepared to pay her school fees from now till she completes her education at
any school of her choice.”
Some things happen and they are like a sweet dream. You fear
that you will wake up to find it was all but a dream. I pinched myself to see
whether I was awake. Yes, I was. We were so full of joy. That came with peace
of mind. True to their word, the angels sent by God sent the fees for Lisa’s
schooling from that year, 2006, to date. They sent money to buy all the school
uniforms she needed from toe to head.
The next hurdle came three years down the line when Taboka
had to start going to creche. Only my husband brought an income in the family
and it was not enough to send Taboka to school. The Sodarbergs told us they
would be responsible for Taboka’s fees and school uniforms. What a relief! If
this is not being loved and cared for by God, then I do not know what it is. My
husband only provided the food we ate. All else was taken care of.
Taboka became a star in tennis at Vainona Primary School.
She even was a captain of the team for three years running. Thanks to the
Sodarbergs who allowed her to play with the family since she was young as they
were all tennis fanatics. They bought her all the necessary tennis kit, white
skirts and shirts, white takkies and socks, tennis rackets and balls. Taboka
won three medals while she was at Primary School. Currently she plays girls’
soccer at Vainona High School and they provide all that is needed. Surely, God
has been so good. What more can we ask for.
I did eventually get work at Wendy’s Nursery School at Gora
Crescent in Borrowdale. When I was pregnant with Thandeka, Wendy promised that
my baby would come to the nursery school for free. And that is what happened.
Thandeka’s name is Christine, after Marten’s wife. When she was ready for
school, Christine said, “She has my name. We are going to pay for all her
schooling.” Thandeka is currently in Grade 2 at Vainona Primary School, where
her sisters went. All fees have been paid by the Sodarbergs since she was in
Grade 0A four years ago.
What can I say? I have seen God’s abundant blessings befall
my family. I have thanked and praised the Lord. A few years ago, I said to God,
“Lord God, you gave me a brain to think, and strength to work. I only work half
a day at the creche. I need to be fully occupied so I can be a blessing to my
family.” God did exactly that. There are so many wanting Thembi Ncube to work
for them that I have even recommended other fellow sisters in the Lord who did
not have jobs, and they are happily employed.
Life was very hard as it is for so many people in the
country. But I want to shout about God’s goodness to my family from the
rooftop. He has done great things for my family! Now I am able to support my
maternal grandmother in the rural areas, as well as my mother-in-law. Now I can
attend church services regularly. I used to miss church many Sundays as I had
no bus fare. Now I can pay my dues at church, and even benefit from attending
conferences with other women. I even have good job offers that keep coming, so
that my prayer is for wisdom on what to choose.
Lisa is in Form 6 now. No one in my husband’s family or in
mine has gone that far with their education. My relatives used to say, “Thembi,
you are all living in town. With the children? How will you educate them?” I
always tell them, “By God’s power!” Lisa is writing her ‘A’ Level examinations,
and we are praying she will indeed do well and pursue her dreams in doing a Law
If it were not for God, if it were not for his ever-present
help in trouble, I do not know where we would be. I am just praying and
praising and watching what next.
Thembelihle is married to Qhubekani
Ncube and they have the three beautiful girls growing under the wing of God’s
amazing grace.
Sesizahlangana kuviki elizayo. Bala, wetshise,
ucabange, ulobe lawe. Mkhulu lumsebenzi.
Ungakhohlwa, esalela muva ithiwa xhaka
Asihlanganeni njalo kuviki elizayo.
Ngiyalithanda, njalo ngiyabonga!
Gogo Nkala
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