Wednesday 6 November 2019

Gogo Nkala Newsletter No 17

Sithembile Siqhoza award

Ekuhle Mthwakaz’ omuhle!
Kuviki elidluleyo sitshilo ukuthi siyawakhalela amazolo. Sikhangele kuNkulunkulu lapho usizo lwethu oluvela khona. Asiqhubekeni simemeza sisedolweni. Sizwile ukuthi like lathi tho okungayingaphi kwezinye izindawo. Umhlaba womile bakithi njalo lelanga leli elibhebhayo liyingozi. Zamani ukunatha amanzi amanengi ahlambulukileyo. Njalo nxa lihamba phandle loba lisebenza phandle ligqoke izingowane ezivikela ilanga. Zivikeleni kulolulaka Mthwakaz’ omuhle.

Kuviki elidlulileyo eyinye yezimbongi zikaMthwakazi uSithembile Siqhoza, uthole imendulo enhle kakhulu, yokuba yimbongi eyinqaba. Ngumkhosi obe ukhankaswe yiMatebeleland Cultural Awards Trust. Sibatshayela ihlombe bonke abathole imiklomelo ephakemeyo.


Nansi-ke imbongikazi yethu okaSiqhoza ovame ukuzihaya ngokuthi ‘Zingizwanizinja!’ Lamhla uphakamisa iMbokodo. Ukutshelwa yikuncitshwa, bala uzizwele ukuthi yiyiphi imbokodo le eyinqaba.


Ngihay' elithi mbokodo
Umachol' achobodise
Idwala lamadwal' elehlul' ispheph' esiphekul' uphahla
Lehlul' isamvu lincibilikis' itshe
Imvul' ingxongxa
Yama njal' imbokodo

Angikhulumi ngamaYellowborne
Isiqoqod' esihlafun' itshingam' esontweni
Omama ngizele ngigcinel' umntanami
Angikhulumi ngebele lendlela
Othathekile abangela sthunzi
Bathukis' isizwe sikaMthwakazi

Ngitsh' uMninimuzi
Vele ngiyaphila lob' engekho
ONoma kungela qhude kuyasa
Isikhukhukaz' esifel' emaqandeni sifukamele
Isikhukhukaz' esiphandel' amatshiyan' aso

Angazi ngiyalahleka mangithi
AmaFilist ngoDelila anqoba.
Isifazana silolozel' ibhubesi libhonga libhodle.
ISilo sikhalima silal' obukaBhuka.
Nxa singanyathel' ezinyathelweni zakhe
Impumalanga ngek' isenzelutho.
UMose wafihlw' emhlangeni ngunina
Wakhula wabahlenga abakwa-Israel
Yekukukhalipha lobuqhawe
Bukanina lodadewabo
Bemnikezelana loMiriam
Ikhula lamanono ayo qiniso

Wezwa ngandlebenye u-Easter esacocobisile
Beth' asenqunyel' ukubulaw' amaJuda
Wawuvala ngci owakh' efun' ungonakali
Ukuze mhla ewuvulay' iNkosi uXerxes
Awuz' unambith' uthando
Wazilis' isizwe sakwabo
Sawembath' amasaka
Kwaphendulelek' amatafula
Waquny' uHamani
Waba ngumphathintambo wamaMidiyan' uMordecai
Angitsh' izikhohlakal' ezidayis' imfe mgwaqweni
Amathang' ephandle
Beqgok’ intambo bethi bagqokile
Cosololo ngemkhuba yezizweni
Bedel' iziko lakwabo
ODumalab' impongo yamahlanga
Ngamakhoba lawo.
Abangabalelwa kuMBOKODO

Ngowesithath' uMariya Magadalene
Owaphikelel' emlandel' uJesu
Kazange wamphik' uJesu njengoPhethro
Waze wathol' ithuna livuliwe
Wafakaz' indab’ azibone ngamehl' akhe.

Ngingalandisa litshon' ilanga
Ngamandl’ abesifazana
Ubuciko lokukhaliph’ 'ebuchotsheni
Siyimbokodo ngithi
Singagxumi njengexoxo
Singaxamalazi sizalaxazeka phansi
Sizaxakeka siswel' isixazululo
Thina sinxwanel' isiko lemikhuba yethu
Ukudla kwethu singakuxeki
Sizathi khoxo kwaluhlaza madlelo

Singalaxaz' umxhanxa
Singadinwa lidobi
Singazamaziswa ngamazambane lendlubu yisimoni
Singadaniswa zinkobe zendumba
Sidl'amas'omcaba singacatshi
Yithi ngqalabantu siyimbokodo

Singabakhohlwa oNyamazane
Indlovukazi yaMaSwazi
Owayal' ukudliswa luklubhu nguTshaka
Wakhilikhithela lexuku lempi
Wayokuw' ezintabeni zikaMambo
Yize uvalo
Ingqobo yisibindi

UMkabayi kaJama uSoqili
Elidl' umuntu limyenga ngendaba
Wadl' uBhedu ngaseziNyangeni
Wadl' uMkhongiyana ngaseMangadini
Wadl' uBheje ngaseZanuseni
Olubamb' abantu lwabenela
Imbibakaz' eyaqamb' imigqa yakwaMalandela
Yathi ngabakwaMalandela
UTshaka katshayeki ngob' enjani?
Ngizwa ngikhumbul' uLozikeyi
KaTshotsha loMaTshabalala
Inganga yezulu enkulu
Owaliphehla uTshangane waqukul' izigodo.
Umqali wendlu kaLonyovu
Owaphak' impi yeHlokelibomvu
Waqothul' imbokodo lesisekelo
Kwaduma' amakhand' amadoda
UMfaz' utshayindoda

Ngicina ngelithi
Ngemva kwendod' ephumelelayo
Kukhon' imbokodo.
Ababusi bonke laba libabona bebusa nje
Ngamandla embokodo

Sithembile Siqhoza


Dr Eventhough Ndlovu

Impawu Ezimqoka Ezikhangelwayo Nxa Kuhlaziywa Inkondlo: Inhloso/Injongo

Sesihlangane kule iviki lapho esizaxoxa khona ngolunye uphawu olumqoka nxa kuhlaziywa loba kucutshungulwa inkondlo. Kuviki edluleyo sakhangela uphawu lwesibili udaba/indikimba/okumunyethweyo/okuqukethweyo. Saveza ukuthi ekulobeni kwakho njengembongi kumele ubone ukuthi inkondlo yakho iphezu kodaba oluthile, ilokuthile ekuquketheyo okuyikho lokho ofisa ukuthi ukudlulise kuzulu.

  Udaba lwenkondlo lungakhelwa kuloba yini, kodwa lokhu ngakutsho ngaphambilini, imbongi ilomsebenzi omkhulu, ayiphongu loba ngaloba yini nje. Kumele kube khona okuthile osekuyiswelise ubuthongo, ezidla ngakho, efisa ukuthi ikubhodle njalo lokhu kumele kube yinto eyivusa usinga loba ugqozi lokuthi ilobe. Okuqukethwe yinkondlo kungaba ludaba olusematheni kazulu njalo okucelwana ngalo isawudo kuvukiswanwa lokutshoniswana ngalo.

  Njengoba ngaveza ukuthi imbongi ilomlandu emphakathini, inkondlo yayo kumele ibe ilenjongo loba inhloso. Kumele kube sobala lokho efisa ukuthi ikufeze emphakathini. Injongo yembongi yakhelwa edabeni lwenkondlo. Okuqukethwe yinkondlo yikho okuveza lokho okujongwe yimbongi. Kusifundo sakuqala ngaveza sobala ukuthi kwele-Africa, injongo yokubhala nje ngenjongo yokuzibhalela nje ayilandawo. Kumele imbongi ilimuke ukuthi ayibhaleli ukulibazisa lokukholisisa nje, kodwa kunengi ekwetheswa njengomthwalo emahlombe ayo.

  Ingcitshi ezicubungula inkondlo ziqinisa ukuthi inkondlo ziphethe indima enkulu empilweni zabantu njengalokhu bezisenza kusadliwa ngoludala, lapho ezazibukeza impilo njalo zijonge ukuqondisa lokufunzelela impilo. Lokhu akutsho ukuthi imbongi akumelanga ibhalele ukulibazisa, lokhu kumele kube ngenye yezinjongo ezimqoka zayo, hatshi ukuthi ibhalele ukulibazisa nje kuphela isizwe sigalula phakathi kwenhlupho ezingaka ezidinga ukuthi zikhangelisiswe njalo zilungisiswe. Akumelanga itshaye indiva lokhu okudla uzulu kumswelisa ubuthongo. Kumele ijonge ukuphuma lamasu lamaqhinga okukhangelisisa izinto ezihlupha uzulu.

  Emphakathini wamaNdebele, imbongi ikhangelelwe ukuthi:

  • ijonge loba ihlose ukuthi ifundise ngempilo
  • icebise
  • iduduze
  • ilibazise
  • ikhuthaze
  • ilimukise
  • ixwayise, njalo
  • iqoqe, igoqe
Nansi imilandu yembongi emqoka:
  1. Iba njengomuntu olelihlo elibukhali okwengqungqulu, elibona ngale lapho okungeke kubone khona uzulu. 
  2. Indlebe zayo kumele zibe bukhali okweganyana. Kumele izwe kuqala okuzakwenzakala ikuvezele uzulu.
  3. Ingumlomo kazulu, ikakhulu lo ongelamandla okuzikhulumela lokuzimmela. Imbongi ikhangelelwe ukuthi ilwele amalungelo alabo abephucwa amalungelo abo, igobe ibuye igoqe amakhosi leziphathamandla zonke nje ezingabusi kuhle.
  4. Njengembongi yezolo, imbongi yalamuhla kumele ijonge ukukhumbuza ababusi ukuthi, inkosi yinkosi ngabantu lokuthi ubukhosi ngamazolo. Kumele isebenzise ubuciko lobugabazi bokuphatha udaba ifeze injongo yayo.
  5. Imbongi ilomlandu woqondisa inkolo zamanga, ichaye  sobala iqiniso.
  6. Ekulobeni kwayo imbongi kumele ihlose ukuthi ifundise lokulondoloza imbali, ulimi, imikhuba, inkolo lamasiko omphakathi.
  7. Kumele injongo yayo ibe ngeyokuthi isifundise indlela yokusebenzisa ulimi lokuthi kugatshazwa njani ngalo.

  Ukuze iphumelele ukufeza inhloso loba injongo yayo, imbongi kumele yazi ukuthi isebenzisa njani ulimi oluzaphathisa ukuthi ifeze lokhu ekujongileyo. Kusigaba esilandelayo ngizatshuka udaba lwemizwa evuswa yinkondlo. Ngemva kokubala inkondlo yakho mizwa bani equbukayo? Sizwa njani? Isitshiya sikusimo bani inkondlo yakho?

Umlobi nguDr Eventhough Ndlovu ongumbalisi lomkhulu weDepartment of African Languages and Literature e-University yeZimbabwe.


Ukholo Olumsulwa

Abantwana abancane yibo abavame ukuba lokholo olumsulwa. Umntwana angathi ekhala uthi kuye, “Thula yikhona uBaba ezakuphathela iziwitshi, loba i-ayizi khirimu.” Uphanga athule umntwana ngoba esethemba lokho akuthenjiswayo. Inengi labantwana liphanga likhohlwe, uBaba esefikile uyabe eselibele umntwana. Lukholo olumsulwa lolu. Luyakholwa lula lokho olukutshelwayo. Yikho nje kudala abantwana babefundiseka lula. Kungathiwa,        “Ungahambi nyovane unyoko uzangena eqhageni,” umntwana wayekholwa angabuzi okunengi. Ulwazi luletha imibuzo eminengi. Okwalamuhla okungokhekhe ungatshonjalo, kungakutshela ukuthi, “Ngamanga lawo!” loba kuthi, “Ngiyathatha ugodo ngilibulale iqhaga uMama aphume.”
   Sinjalo lathi abantu lamhla. Asilalo ukholo olumsulwa. Sisuka sithandabuze sibuze imibuzo eminengi ngesikuthenjiswa yilizwi. Isiphetho, asikuzuzi esikukhangeleleyo.
Izithembiso eNcwadini eyilizwi leNkosi zinengi okwamagama. Ziqinisekile. Ukholo olumsulwa luzamukela zinjalo, uMzalwane asizakale. Nansi eminye yemiBhalo ejwayelekileyo, ithi:

  • Lingakhathazeki ngalutho, kodwa kukho konke izicelo zenu kazaziwe nguNkulunkulu ngokukhuleka langokunxusa kanye lokubonga. Kuthenjiswa ukuthula okudlula ukuqedisisa konke (Phil. 4:6,7)
  • UNkulunkulu wami uzakugcwalisa konke ukuswela kwenu ngobunengi benotho yakhe kuKhristu Jesu (Phil. 4:19).
  •  INkosi inguMalusi wami, kangiyikuswela lutho … (iHubo 23:1)
  • UNkulunkulu uyisiphephelo sethu lamandla ethu, uyafunyaniswa elusizo kakhulu ekuhluphekeni (iHubo 46:1).
  • Khangelani izinyoni zaphezulu ukuba kazihlanyeli, kazivuni, kazibutheleli eziphaleni; kanti uYihlo osezulwini uyazondla. Lina kalizidluli kakhulu na? (uMathewu 6:26)
  • Celani, lizakuphiwa; funani, lizakufumana; qoqodani, lizakuvulelwa … (Mathewu 7:7)

   Zinengi ngingezibalise zonke izithembiso zeNkosi. Ziselizwini leNkosi eliqinisekileyo. UNkulunkulu kaqambi manga. Kasithembisi ize. NguBaba osezulwini ongayengiyo. Indaba enkulu ikuwe lami mhlobo wami. Siyamethemba na? Simethemba ngokholo olumsulwa na?
Ngilomzukulu othiwa nguMpendulo. Awumane umthembise ulutho mahlayana. Uyakukhalela uze ugcwalise isithembiso osenzileyo. Kungani lathi singakhalela uNkulunkulu? INkosi uHezekhiya yamkhalela uNkulunkulu wacina emengezelela izinsuku zokuphila. INkosi uJehoshafathi ihlaselwa yizitha yakhala eNkosini ilabantu bayo, uNkulunkulu wayilwela impi izitha zaphendukelana zalwa zaba lucaca.
Kodwa, impumelelo mhlobo wami ithatha ukuthi umazi uNkulunkulu, umthembe ngenhliziyo epheleleyo, ngokholo olumsulwa. Uyakholwa na ukuthi uNkulunkulu uyasiza?
Asithandaze: Baba osezulwini, ngisiza ngikukholwe ngokholo olumsulwa ngithokoze ngezimanga zakho ezingapheliyo, lokulonda kwakho okuhle. Amen.

Barbara Nkala


Ruth Dube (Gogo Makeke)


The saying that ‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going’ still applies today. Many people are hard pressed on every side as they weather the storms of an economy gone to the dregs. Many people are just focussing on staying alive. Survivors in the current economy are those who have an entrepreneurial spirit. That is the spirit that Ruth Dube, fondly known as Gogo Makeke, has had since 2000 when she started her catering business. Gogo Makeke’s story is a lovely journey from cakes to catering.

   Ruth was born from the Muteweri clan in Buhera, but married the love of her life, Shadreck Dube from Gwanda. Like the Biblical Ruth, she also said, “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16 NIV). God blessed the couple with four charming boys; Jabulani, Bongani, Mandla and Dumisani, all adults now and following their own professions.

   Years back, before she was labelled Gogo Makeke, Ruth loved baking cakes for her family. When her third son, Mandla, had his first birthday, she decided to bake a chocolate cake that was enjoyed by those who came to celebrate with the family. When there was a Couples’ meeting at her church, a member who had enjoyed her son’s birthday cake requested that she bake a cake for that occasion. Another also noted how good Ruth’s cakes were and asked her to make a wedding cake for her. This was a well-known woman in business at her church.  Ruth chuckles and says, “So, I said, ‘NO! I can’t! I have never baked a wedding cake before. It requires so many ingredients that are not easy to obtain. I do not want to mess up! No, thank you!’ ”

   The lady persisted, saying, “But, I did enjoy your cake during the Couples’ Meeting. I am going to buy all the ingredients required, and yours is just to make the cake!” Ruth continued to brush the idea aside, and the client was equally persistent. Today, Ruth is still thankful that this client did not leave her in peace. The client proceeded to purchase and bring to her the required ingredients. Ruth then began the task of baking a four-tier arrangement for the Chifamba wedding. The end-result made her confidence soar, and to her pleasant surprise, more people brought new orders.

   As Ruth delivered orders and attended some weddings, she began to note certain trends in wedding background preparation. During one particular wedding, her critical eye could not stop roving and taking stock of the Caterer’s attire and equipment. She says, “The Caterer and her assistants were rather shabby to a certain extent. How can the boss lady wear mapatapatas (flip flops) and the whole team serve with their heads not covered? I also noted that the soup was carried in buckets and I cringed within to note the cutlery used. The decoration of the place also needed sprucing up. I said to myself, ‘Ruth, you can do a better job than that!’ The desire to do catering for big functions was birthed then.” 

   Ruth had worked in a hotel before and so her training and practice came to the fore in planning her steps towards doing some catering. “First, I consulted my husband Shadreck who was first amused at the idea. When he noticed how serious I was he said, ‘Ah, all right. I will not stand in your way. You have been doing fine on cakes, but this …? Carry on if you want to do that and good luck my dear! I shall do what I can to support you.’ I thanked God and claimed for myself the Scripture in John 14:13 which says, ‘And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified.’ I also began to dwell on the blessings mentioned in Deuteronomy 28: 1-14. God promises many blessings untold if we obey his commandments.

One of the most recent Church decorations

Ruth used the proceeds from her cake making ventures to start buying plates, pots, cutlery, and uniforms. “I told myself that Rome was not built in a day, so I started building my stock bit by bit, slowly but surely. It took me two years to have what I thought was decent stock. One day, I was approached by a person who needed a wedding cake, and he said he was also scouting for good catering. I mentioned that I was also gearing for that. He wanted to see my utensils. After I had shown him what I had, he gave me the job. I quickly consulted colleagues on how they went about charging for such services. I looked for some girls to help me and tried to do my very best to prepare for that wedding. I catered well, then had another, and another opportunity. It is joy when clients send a thank you card or note showing great appreciation for the service rendered.”

Graduation cake  

    "As more and more requests came to cater at weddings, birthday parties, funerals and memorial events; my services also kept improving. It gives me joy to see people enjoy what we have prepared to their satisfaction. 
    "Sometimes when I finish doing some cakes, as they await collection, I look at the products with joy and satisfaction and say, 'Lord, is it really Ruth who has done this? You are amazing!'. Then I look back to where and when I started! I view the growth and continued improvements and see only the Lord’s faithfulness and grace. Thus equipped, I was not left destitute when my dear husband passed on in 2011. I continue to be grateful for his unstinting support while he lived. We even use our garden in Highfields for wedding photographs; a good legacy that Shadreck prepared for me. That also brings in some income. The proceeds from cakes educated my four boys who always supported the ventures. One of my sons, Dumisani, bought a gas stove for me so that business does not grind to a halt when electric power is not available.”
   Ruth says the catering business has also enabled her to help some young people to get a living. She has helped train the young people she employs to cook well. Some of them aim to become chefs by profession. Often, their parents provide good feedback when they express how grateful they are for what she has done to train them well.

Gogo Makeke's assistant ready to serve

Though Ruth is quite comfortable as she gets more and more jobs, her profession is not without challenges. She has had to contend with influential family members who try to do the task for her when serving time comes. She has learnt to become firm and do things her way to meet and satisfy her clients. There are times also when a client will claim they have only 300 participants but at the end of the day, there are 500 members. That can make good service become a nightmare. And, at times a client promises transport for the equipment and utensils, but when the function is over, they are left stranded. Then there are times when one is not able to get the well-trained assistants to help serve because of competition in the field. Ruth is not deterred by challenges. She says, “All the challenges turn out to be a good learning experiences and enable me and my team to plan and organise better for future events. I cannot complain. God has been so faithful to me in all the ventures. I can never thank Him enough!”

Gogo Makeke's cakes in her garden

                                                         Gogo Makeke's dishes

We applaud the quiet tenacity of Gogo Makeke and have watched her rise from cakes to catering.

Ruth (nee Muteweri) Dube was married to Shadreck (late) and she has four adult boys and two beloved grandchildren.


Kwanele okwaleli iviki Mthwakaz’ omuhle. Yeka ngikutshiye usetshisa ezalamhla kulesi sigcawu. 
 Bala, wetshise, ucabange, ulobe lawe. Mkhulu lumsebenzi.
 Ungakhohlwa, esalela muva ithiwa xhaka yizinja! 
Asihlanganeni njalo kuviki elizayo.
Ngiyalithanda, njalo ngiyabonga!

Gogo Nkala

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